Frozen fruit smoothies make a delicious snack or meal and can be packed with healthy vitamins to keep our bodies energised on the go. Because there are so many different types of smoothie recipes, everyone is able to find a delicious recipe to suit them, whether they use frozen or fresh fruit and vegetables. Smoothies are particularly popular for breakfast as they have an incredibly short prep time and are healthy too! So you found both vegetable and fruit smoothie recipes, but which should you go for? Today we are talking about the benefits of using frozen fruit and vegetables in your smoothies, and why vegetables make such great smoothie ingredients!


Why Use Frozen Fruit and Vegetables in my Smoothie?

There are a number of benefits to making a smoothie with frozen fruit or vegetables. Although fresh ingredients can be great and healthier than frozen, they can be costly and may pass their best ripe stage very quickly. For smoothie lovers who have busy lifestyles and want an easy way to prepare, frozen ingredients are ideal; they can simply be taken out of the freezer and popped straight into the blender! No chopping, cutting or separating at 6 am when you need to get out for work. However, a faster serving time isn’t the only reason why frozen fruit and vegetables can be a great replacement for fresh fruit and veg. Frozen ingredients are:

• Quicker to prepare
• Cheaper to buy
• Hold in healthy nutrients
• Create a better smoothie texture

For families living on a budget, frozen fruit is just as tasty and doesn’t have to break the bank! In fact frozen vegetables in particular can be bought at a very reasonable price and will provide you with the brilliant nutrition our bodies need. Frozen fruit and veg will have more nutrients than the fruit and veg you bought that was left on the side for over a week! This is because the fruit is no longer fresh if you don’t use it immediately, but the frozen fruit will retain its nutrition. Finally, you will see frozen fruit and veg in a range of smoothie recipes because once blended, the frozen ingredients give the smoothie a tasty thick texture.


Should I Include Frozen Vegetables in My Smoothie?

Here at The Queen of Health, we highly recommend using vegetables in your smoothies. Vegetables will give your smoothie a larger variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, helping your body’s immune system and a range of other important functions.

Not only do vegetables provide you with antioxidants that you may not receive from solely a fruit smoothie, but they also lower the sugar levels within the recipe, balancing out the sweetness so that you are not consuming too much and producing extra insulin, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Finally, frozen vegetables in your fruit smoothies will lower the number of calories that you are consuming as fruit smoothies will most likely contain a higher number of both calories and sugar. Mixing both frozen fruit and vegetables in one smoothie recipe is a great way to consume a balanced amount of nutrients.


What are the Best Fruit and Vegetables for Smoothies?

You can pretty much use any fruit and vegetables you like in a smoothie, and it will taste great! Smoothies are very versatile and can have a range of ingredients, as well as frozen fruit and vegetables. Here are our recommendations for frozen fruit and vegetables to use in your smoothies:

frozen fruit smoothies


Frozen berries, strawberries, banana, raspberries, peaches, mango, pineapple, coconut


Spinach, kale, carrots, avocado, celery, romaine lettuce

To make your smoothie tasty and smooth, you should add some liquid to the blender, such as milk (I love dairy free alternatives like almond, oat and coconut milk). Some people like to add apple juice or orange juice, however, be careful with juices as they can contain large amounts of sugar!


Frozen Fruit Smoothie Recipes

Ready to start making some incredible frozen fruit and vegetable smoothies? My #funky5 smoothies are a nutritional powerhouse to equip your body on busy manic days, busy workouts and life’s stressful situations. To get the best from your fruit and veggies and ensure you hit your 10 a day The Queen Of Health has designed the #funky5 to reset your body and re-energise those tired cells.

Here are just a few of my favourites frozen fruit smoothies!


Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie


• 150g frozen strawberries
• 200ml milk (of your choice)
• 1 tsp honey (make sure it’s organic and locally sourced)
• 4 tbsp of natural yoghurt
• 1/2 avocado

Simply blend your ingredients together for avocado and frozen fruit smoothie that will taste amazing. Once blended, pour your frozen fruit smoothie straight into a glass to drink.


Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie

Frozen Fruit Smoothie

1 Cup frozen Raspberries

1/2 Cup frozen mango

100g natural yoghurt

1 tsp Milled flax seed

1 date

This delicious frozen fruit smoothie contains loads of antioxidant ingredients that your body will love. Once your ingredients have been mixed in the blender, serve into a glass. Remember you can also add ice if you want your smoothie to be even colder or thicker in texture.


green smoothie

Green Smoothie



• A handful of frozen kale
• Half frozen banana
• 2 tbsp almond butter
• 1 tbsp flax oil
• A pinch of ground cinnamon
• 1 cup coconut water (unsweetened)

This filling and deliciously cold smoothie contain a beautiful flavour that you just have to try. Once your ingredients have been mixed in the blender, serve in a glass. Remember you can also add ice if you want your smoothie to be even colder or thicker in texture.


Frozen Berry Smoothie


• 1 cup frozen berries
• 100ml milk (of your choice)
• 100g Natural yoghurt
• 25g of oats
• 2 tsp honey (make sure it’s organic and locally sourced)

Mix your frozen berries, yoghurt ingredients, oats and honey in the blender. This sweet smoothie is a great treat, containing raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and any other berries you like! A wonderful smoothie with a total prep time of fewer than 5 mins to make.


Make Better Choices for Your Body with the Queen of Health

The Queen of Health will help you to transform your weight, health and life. Nichola is a health and nutritional coach, dedicated to changing people’s lives around with nutrition and exercise. Nichola is a big fan of smoothies; they can be successfully added to a healthy diet and lifestyle and they taste great! We offer a range of health and nutrition programmes – to discuss availability or find out more information do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Book a free call with Nichola online to discuss your goals and how you can reach them with the Queen of Health.

Get more #funky5 smoothie inspiration here!


Are Smoothies Good for Weight Loss?

Are Smoothies Good for Weight Loss?

Smoothies can be a great tool for weight loss —but only when done right. Put the wrong ingredients in them, and they can be just as calorific as eating your favourite ice cream! When you add a nutrient-dense smoothie to your daily diet, it can help stop excess...