The #funky5 breakfast smoothie for weight loss

Fruit and veg are good for you. No one would argue with that. But what is better for your health and losing weight?

There has been a great deal of research in recent years to support the claim that eating more fruit and veg may be able to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer, while also helping to manage your weight.

It can be a challenge to eat five portions of fruit and veg each day, even when you like vegetables. And now a new report suggests that eating 9 portions is what we need to stay healthy for longer. Most people don’t come nearly close to having enough, and I bet you’re wondering how on earth you’re going to manage that!

And, if you’ve been wanting to try a weight loss smoothie for breakfast, my #funky5 breakfast smoothie is the way to go.


The benefits of the funky5 weight loss breakfast smoothie

How was your breakfast today? Will it fuel you to your next meal? Many of my clients are so busy when they come to see me first that they tell me “I  have no time for breakfast “When I introduce them to my #funky5 smoothie formula it is a game changer for them.

My #funky5 breakfast smoothie is an actioned packed smoothie that is made with my simple formula to help you develop a blood sugar balancing meal replacement shake in any flavour with enough protein, fat and fibre to keep you full and will help as p[art of a weight loss programme. Many juice shops, grocery smoothie bars and smoothie recipes are loaded with sugar, specifically fructose sugar from excess fruit. Have a go and watch how this will change your life!!


Nichola Flood
When you make my #funky5 breakfast smoothie, the whole lot is mixed up in a blender. The juice and the pulp go in. This means that my #funky5 breakfast smoothie contains fibre. Fibre is good for you for so many reasons. It’s great for the digestive tract, helping to bulk out stools and ‘go’ more regularly. When it comes to weight loss, fibre is super helpful. It slows down the absorption of sugar into the body, meaning that fruit and sugar-rich vegetables like beetroot and carrots are less likely to give you a blood sugar spike – ­ albeit a natural one.
Dietary fibre also activates a few hormones helpful in weight loss (called PYY and CKK and GLP-1, since you ask). These are appetite suppressors, meaning you’ll want to naturally eat less the more veg you consume. Fibre also decreases levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and increases another hormone called leptin, which tells your body you’re full. So, all in all, fruit and veg are the good guys.


Fibre isn’t the only good thing in a smoothie. In a 2012 study in which scientists blended and juiced grapefruit, researchers found that the blended fruit had a higher concentration of the beneficial phytochemicals than juices because that compound is primarily found in the fibrous membranes of the fruit.




Given that my #funky5 weight loss smoothie is packed with fibre, it can even serve as a meal replacement if you follow my recipes. Here is the link to get all 10 smoothie recipes.

My #funky5 weight loss smoothies have the perfect amount of veggies, protein, fats and fruit to ensure you are having a healthy, nutritious and filling meal to take with you on-the-go.

If your idea of the perfect smoothie is only fruit and some liquid … Well, that’s a sugar bomb waiting to happen and is likely to upset your blood sugar balance. Plus, if consumed too frequently, this will have you start piling on the pounds. Also, you can switch from fat burning to fat-storing machine!!

The #funky5 weight loss smoothie is designed to switch on your fat-burning hormones and keep you fuller and satisfied right up to lunch.



How can you drink that for breakfast??

That is a question I get asked a lot from family, friends and clients before they have tried a #FUNKY5 weight loss smoothie. The sight of the green of smoothies is usually enough for people to say no way I am not trying that!!


I get it, sometimes their appearance is not going to win an award anytime soon.

When clients start to try my #funky5 weight loss smoothies they are pleasantly surprised, and their typical bland beige breakfast of cereal or toast is quickly replaced at least 5 days a week with a #FUNKY5 weight loss smoothie. They are nutritionally satisfied and feel lighter and brighter and their body starts to crave the green stuff!! Who would have thought eh??

When you are ready to take it to the next level, lose more weight and learn about real nutrition and how to stop yo-yo and restrictive dieting through my nutrition success formula you will want to try my funky5 breakfast smoothie here 


Won’t Drinking Smoothies Make You FAT??

My #funky5 weight loss breakfast smoothie is an action-packed smoothie that is made with my simple formula to help you develop a blood sugar balancing meal replacement shake in any flavour with enough protein, fat and fibre to keep you full and satisfied from breakfast right through to lunch. Many juice shops, grocery smoothie bars and smoothie recipes are loaded with sugar, specifically fructose sugar from excess fruit. Have a go and watch how this will change your life!!


Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

 The following recipes are a great start to creating a healthy meal plan for your week. In each smoothie, the formula is Greens Protein Fat & Fiber and a super boost and remember you can get all the recipes here.

Blueberry muffin breakfast smoothie

  • 1 cup of spinach
  • Vanilla protein powder
  • Frozen blueberries
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 tsp Chia seeds
  • 1 tsp almond butter
  • 1tsp Maca
  • 100ml water
  • 100ml almond milk

Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend and serve in your favourite glass


Blueberry Smoothie #funky5

Body Beautiful Breakfast smoothie

  • 1 handful spinach
  • ¼ cucumber1 celery stick
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 apple
  • 1 juice of a lemon
  • 1-inch ginger
  • ¼ avocado
  • 1 date
  • ½ teaspoon spirulina
  • 100ml water
  • 100ml almond milk

Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend and serve in your favourite glass.

Make it easy and Meal prep

Freeze your fruit

If you want to make my #funky5 weight loss smoothies regularly, it’s a great idea to store your fruit and veg in the freezer. I find that they retain their nutritional value and flavour. They also make your weight loss smoothie have some chill, so no need to add ice. I freeze bananas that are turning brown (peel and store in a container in the freezer) You can store your veggies like chopped cucumber, celery and spinach in sandwich bags and throw into your blender whenever you need them. I buy frozen fruit and use them in my #funky5 weight loss smoothie.



Super Boost Your #funky5 weight loss Smoothie

Once you’ve mastered the basics, try adding different super boosts to your basic recipe. Add a spoonful of cocoa powder, maca, cinnamon, spirulina before blending, or give your smoothie some texture with a sprinkle of flaxseeds, toasted chopped nuts or whole oats. Not only will it taste great, but it will also keep you fuller for longer too.


Book a complimentary session in my weight loss clinic by clicking here

Learn more about super boost here